We have learned from our experience. Documentaries in Asia, Europe, and the entire American Continents shooting Award-winning documentaries for ARTEAR Television in the mid-nineties, nonstop for about four years, cemented a culture of quality and camera composition shooting documentaries that we repeat today when we provide camera crews or shoot our own documentaries.  

Today we provide camera crews to many network broadcasters, including X-Terra (Germany); BBC (UK), PBS (Iowa Public Broadcasting). In our earliest projects, we produced short documentaries, traveling from San Francisco, the USA to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the nineties, we launched larger enterprises, leading, in 2003, to a feature film about world-renowned architect César Pelli. Currently, we have short historical documentaries in production. At SN Media Services we have made the film and television documentary our most important medium and cultural theme. We believe our passion for documentary films enriches the quality and impact on all of our productions.